Espanola announces the top 10 names submitted by fans

Media update

Release date: Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013

Espanola announces the top 10 names submitted by fans

ESPANOLA – The Espanola Junior ‘A’ Hockey Club would like to thank the more than 90 fans, both children and adults who submitted over 99 names in our Name the Team Contest.

We appreciate all your efforts. Thank you!

“We as an organization are very excited to bring back junior hockey to Espanola, Manitoulin Island and the North Shore to area junior hockey fans! We believe our NOJHL franchise to be the communities team and therefore the junior hockey fans of the area will have their very own opportunity to name the team and design our team logo,” said Club Governor Tim Clayden.

“We are thinking outside the box and very much so want this hockey club to be a community organization, in our view, it will be the only way this franchise maintains a long and healthy future and we want to ensure that we include all the area junior hockey fans from throughout the North Shore, Manitoulin Island and the Lacloche Manitoulin Region.

We are a community team and Espanola and our surrounding communities have a golden opportunity to play a significant role in the naming of their newest regional junior ‘A’ hockey club.”

Vote Today

All the entries have been tallied and the top 10 names have been listed in no particular order on our Team Facebook site and Club Website.

Voting has begun.

Golden Eagles
Spirit Bears 
Spirit Eagles  

We want everyone to have their voice heard.

Espanola Junior ‘A’ Hockey Club
Espanola Recreation Complex
175 Avery Drive
Espanola, ON
P5E 1C9